Wednesday 31 March 2010

Yay I have recruited 5 wonderful people to my team.

Yay I've done it, I have recruited, and I am over the moon, and I really hope it works for them, I love it. I have recently bought a trial of renegade network manager to see if it offers any positive insight to help me make my business work, they certainly earn a lot of money referring people to their marketing attraction programme whilst helping them learn how to advertise their 'other' business.

Monday 29 March 2010

Ugh I've had the bug!!

Been labouring under a cold/chest infection/virus for 3 weeks.  Gawd I have felt rough, but I have given up smoking! yay!! I'm sure I will feel so much better in a few days, heh!

Monday 22 February 2010

went out to catalogue today

as title says, perhaps not the most successful of mornings. between the snow and the area we live in, no one in or interested, gave up after an hour! too cold! too fed up.

Pressures of Cold Calling

No pressure from my upline manager at all, which is great, but I have decided to cold call, horrible experience, I sound like a sales person, thats not how we sell mlm, we sell mlm via the person, not the opportunity. Have to say, my upline are brill, lots of advice in what to do, in fact, we are going to set up 3 way calling so I can listen to the experts at work. The nice thing is, that they have reassured me that I don't have to cold call, thats its pure choice, i only have to do what ever i enjoy, hence the markets, i could be good at that, i hope.
My first call was dreadful, the lady shouted at me for phoning her, but after that I had a lot of interest but no definates, but one good thing, i was invited to 2 events in leeds!!

12 routes to market- getting the grant

Deciding how to market wikaniko, there are 12 ways, cataloguing, online shop, eco parties, farmers markets and more. I have decided that I am going down the route of farmers markets, I have been to Big, sorted a grant for £1000 worth of equipment, thats my gazebo, tables, shelves, shaw trust are organising a grant for my stock, and 2 market days. Going in tomorrow, to assess the cash flow, and apply for the grant.
Tried the catalogues, to damn cold with all this snow, need OH to have a decent car, so he can take kidz with him so I can go out and catalogue, giives me time, to get the client base going, then transfer them all over to the online shop, this could be worth a fair bit of money!!

signing up with wikaniko

If You Could Set Up, Own and Manage

the Perfect Home Business,

What Would It Be Like?

That’s an interesting question, isn’t it? What would you want from a home based business of your own?

I think we are agreed that the first bit is easy.

You want INCOME, and loads of it!

More than that, I would expect you would like money that comes in regularly, every month.

However - let’s explore this a little further, to see if we can do even better than that!

There are possibly a few things that you may not have thought about before, and which are just as

important – possibly more important – than immediate income. For example:

How about a home business where you are actually doing something really worthwhile, rather than simply

trying to ‘sell’ things just to make some money?

Perhaps a business where customers actually want your products, and want them every month so you

get lots of repeat orders?

Possibly a business where the products are actually reasonably priced, and in some cases are actually

less than the shops charge?

Hmmm……how about a Home Business where you can actually build a pension type of income quickly,

without paying into any pension plan whatsoever?

You may have considered joining ventures whereby you could promote Aloe Vera products, or

magnotherapy products, or cosmetics and toiletries, or gadgets and gizmos, home and garden products,

etc etc.

How about managing a home business that offers ALL or most of these types of products under one roof?

And how about being able to share in the ownership of your own company, along with a share of the

profits etc, so that everyone has a vested interest in making your business work?

…..and finally, none of this matters unless you enjoy your business. But what if you could develop a way

of making a business work for you, easily, effectively, and quickly. I guess you have your own ideas about

how to get lots of business coming in. However, wouldn’t it be great to have a ready made business that

has at least a dozen different routes to market, rather than just one way that might not be comfortable for


The Wikaniko Opportunity

You have just discovered Wikaniko……..and it is fast becoming known as the perfect home based

business. Read on to discover why!

The Wikaniko opportunity is for everyone, regardless to their education, circumstances, background or

finances. From the moment you join you can make an income, and you start to make a positive impact on

the planet as well.

Wikaniko offers you the following:

Brilliant, reasonably priced eco friendly products – over 750 and rising.

Every single product sold helps the planet. It’s a very worthwhile business. You can obtain a regular rising

monthly income, attached to a real purpose.

Home based, easy to do. Virtually instant income plus longer-term income.

No meetings to attend, so no carbon footprint.

All training is absolutely free, online and in the comfort of your home.

33 – 45% instant commission on products (based on a Point Value).

FREE online auction site for your friends to recycle their unwanted goods – Ebay on steroids!

12 different and successful ‘routes to market’ plus your own ideas.

Each distributor owns a ‘share’ of the company, via Co-operative Marketing.

Fabulous weekly and monthly incentives, as part of the profit sharing scheme.

A ‘pension’ income: if you are too ill to work or want to retire, etc. your family are cared for. Do you have a

pension at the moment? Get a FREE one with Wikaniko.

Wikaniko’s Higher Income Plan is totally unique, and is designed to pay out more commission than any

similar organisation.

Work with distributors who have come together for a common purpose - to help reduce the damage to the

world we live in. You will find a totally unique coming together of like minded people, all with the intention

of achieving a common goal, and helping others to achieve it too. It is extremely refreshing, and so


How does it all work?

The Wikaniko Home Based Business is easy to understand.

Wikaniko is pronounced ‘We Can Eco’ which speaks for itself. You join as a distributor, for just £48

(inc VAT). This gives you a starter pack with some brochures etc. You also get free online training from

top ‘work-from-home’ trainers, and a replicated web site with your own online shop, Home Office, etc.

Basically, you are up and running with your own business in less than 24 hours.

You have immediate access to a distributor forum, where you can ask other distributors what works best

for them. They will be very happy to tell you how they are helping to protect the planet, and making an

income as a result. They want you to be successful too – the more people that reduce the damage to the

environment, the quicker we accomplish the task together!

You begin by retailing the products yourself. You are shown 12 different ways that work very well including

catalogues, eco friendly local events, giving samples away, online shop, pamper nights etc etc. You

decide what is comfortable to you, because you will get more results doing something you enjoy doing!

You will love the fact that people will want your products.....

If you like, you can also set up teams in other areas too. When you do, the planet benefits even more,

the distributors in those teams start to become financially secure, and you get paid more for helping to

accomplish all of this.

What some distributors like best are the vast number of incentives, which are all part of the

Co-operative marketing profit sharing. Every week there are new incentives such as free products,

free prize draws for distributors, and various other reward schemes. To the distributors Wikaniko isn’t a

business – more a way of life that is helping to give their family the financial security that they want.

Don’t worry – there are no onerous qualifications or targets. Obviously we would like you to be more

eco friendly yourself. As a distributor you can purchase your products at wholesale (which reduces your

shopping bill even further, as a lot of our products are ones that you normally use anyway). It is only when

you build a team of distributors that a small qualification requirement is necessary – and that qualification

is mainly taken care of by your own wholesale purchases of eco friendly products.

So that’s it really. An easy business, products that you normally use anyway, all fitting into your way of life,

and what’s right for you………..

Why is Wikaniko so very different?

This is the easy part to explain, and possibly the most fascinating.

When you take a look around the web site you will see that all the facilities are FREE for visitors. The

extraordinary Wicycle-It recycling auction is FREE. No listing fees, and no selling fees. You will see that

there is a weekly organic gardening section (WAG) with a FREE weekly newsletter. There are some

FREE recycling games for the kids to play (and for grown ups too!) and there are free e-Kards for people

to send, to save lots of trees from being chopped down. There are numerous other FREE resources on

there too, including lots of articles and databases etc. FREE is good.

These are all designed to attract visitors to your distributor web site in very comfortable ways. It is part of

the immense viral marketing campaign that helps you get more customers.

In addition Wikaniko has its own in house online bookkeeping service to help you with tax returns, tax

credits, etc. This service is totally unique in the UK work-from-home industry, and to date it has helped

self employed distributors recover over a quarter of a million pounds in tax refunds, tax credits etc. If

you take up the service, we help you gain the most from your work from home business, in every way

possible, without any hassle or effort on your part. We even do the tax return for you!

We also offer another astonishing benefit – the Wikaniko Income Guarantee Plan. (As you

progress through the business, you are able to participate in this plan, when your

income becomes worthwhile protecting. If for any reason you fall ill, or get stuck in

the middle of nowhere whilst trekking through the jungle, or you wish to retire into

the sunshine, your income continues to be paid into your bank account – for as

long as you want it too. It is particularly important for families to know that they are

safe if the main breadwinner dies unexpectedly. That income carries on getting

paid to them.

There is a small fee that triggers this income guarantee, but that is taken off the commission before it is

paid – so nothing comes out of your pocket. It is a way of creating a pension for free, and a ‘life insurance’

to protect your loved ones in case something happens to you.

Let’s explain another excellent part of the business.

Do you remember Green Shield Stamps? They were extremely popular in the 70’s along with flares,

mini skirts, and Hillman Imp cars. Shoppers were rewarded with stamps to stick in a book when they

purchased something. The more books you collected, the bigger the gifts you could claim.

Wikaniko has its own stamp reward system for both customers and distributors!

Everyone is rewarded with online stamps that are stuck into a virtual stamp book.

Customers can save books and exchange them for more products. Distributors can

save books and exchange them for money. The more books a distributor collects,

the higher the value of the book. Each completed book is like having shares in the

company. There is also an Xmas Club stamp book for distributors!

As an aside, Green Shield Stamps became Argos…..

There is so much more that we could tell you such as the tree planting program, the PartWork Plan,

Guess and Win, etc., but we feel that this is enough to show you why Wikaniko is so different from any

other company in the home business world.

Wikaniko The Gentle Revolution Begins

Have you ever wondered about going ‘greener’, but didn’t exactly know how to go about it? Do you tend to bury your head in the sand when it comes to talking about the plastic bag problems, greenhouse gas effects, or the chemicals in personal care products that might actually be harming you and your children?

At the end of the day, it is our responsibility to help protect the world we live in – each and every one of us. Whilst you may think that you alone can’t (or won’t) make a difference, behind the scenes there is a gentle revolution going on. People all over the country are discovering that going greener not only protects the environment for everyone, they can actually save a huge amount of money on their household and shopping bills too – contrary to the belief that ‘green’ means expensive!

So if you would like to make the world a better place, and you would like to discover ways to reduce your monthly spending – often dramatically, try an interesting company that helps you to unravel the mysteries of ‘greenery’ and at the same time gives you brilliant free tips and ideas for reducing spending, wastage, and the effect on the planet.

This company is called Wikaniko. It is pronounced ‘We Can Eco’ and already, it is proving to be an outstanding success. The products are supplied through local distributors via word of mouth, leaflets, a fascinating home shopping catalogue, and a stunning cosmetics and toiletries catalogue.

Here’s just a taster: There is a whole range of totally degradable black bags, bin liners, food freezer bags and nappy sacks that do not damage the planet at all. Try out the Eco Clean Ball that allows you to do your washing without the need to buy any more washing detergent - ever. Then, there are gardening, electrical, and water saving products, along with tips and ideas. And there is an excellent range magnotherapy products, at very reasonable prices. Moving on, the cosmetics and toiletries are simply stunning. From award winning NVEY Eco range of cosmetics – so good you can actually eat them – to organic cotton wool, soaps from around the world, natural body deodorants, retro cleaning products, and some superbly priced body care accessories for yourself, or for using as gift ideas. All in all, there are over 750 products, with more being added on a regular basis

The company goes much further than simply supplying products. There are incentives etc for all their customers, making the shopping experience extremely pleasant and hassle free, including delivery to your door. The best thing to do is to have a chat with your friendly local distributor, who will be pleased to drop a catalogue off to you, and show you some samples of the products, plus answer any questions you may have about becoming ‘greener’. Wikaniko are also looking for other part time distributors to help spread the word, with the advantage being that not only can you buy your own products (that you use every day) at wholesale prices, you can make some extra money by showing others how to reduce the damaging effects on the environment. It is an extremely pleasant and worthwhile way of gaining an extra income in these trying times